Monday, November 21, 2011

A Place To Lean Against

 Original Date: Wednesday, Mar 16, 2011

3:53 PM me: !
 Michael: ?
3:54 PM me: hey-o.
 Michael: ello
3:55 PM me: what's up, eh?
3:56 PM Michael: eh not too much. my jaw has been hurting for weeks and now it seems to have spread to the rest of my face.
 me: whoa. wtf.
 Michael: i dont know man
  been a pretty crappy day
  woke up and the cat shit on the bath mat
  forgot my cigarettes
3:57 PM usual work stuff
  anticipating more trails of cat shit when i get home
 me: diarrhea?
 Michael: trails works too though
  honestly its my fault
 me: hahaha
 Michael: slacking on his box
 me: not trials.
3:58 PM cat's need a clean place to shit
 Michael: yeah, i think he got that message across
  have to go buy cat litter on the way home
  and then clean his stuff out
  just so much to look forward to
  oh man
  i had to replace the exhaust system of my car last weekend
3:59 PM fun just doesn't stop
 me: how was deerhoof
 Michael: eh
4:00 PM we didn't stay for their whole thing
  it was alright
  i found a place to lean against
  so that was good
 me: ha

Young Professionals Over Here!

Original Date: Tuesday, Mar 15, 2011

10:23 AM me: ;)
10:26 AM Michael: yo!
10:27 AM young professionals over here!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

A Clean Place to Shit

Original date: 3/10/2011

3:39 PM me: nice!
 Michael: aha!
  this is like old school IM
 me: it's pretty good.
  dude, like every young professional uses it
3:40 PM Michael: haha
  god damn it
 me: so they can talk with all of their young professional friends
 Michael: why dont the young professionals keep me updated!?
 me: i dont know. i really only found out about it a few months ago.
3:41 PM Michael: well, it's another distraction
  which i am always open to
 me: ha. well...i figured
 Michael: sooo...
  mr young professional
  are you a higher paid young professional now?
 me: a little bit yes
 Michael: yes!
 me: with a weekly incentive plan
 Michael: woah
  i dont even know what that is
  sounds fantastic though
3:42 PM as someone who lives a life without any incentives
 me: i'll be given a goal at the beginning of every week
  and if i make it, i get $100
 Michael: sweet!
 me: well, if i make it, of course.
 Michael: that's awesome
  at least it is something
  shake things up
3:43 PM its important to feel like you are working towards something
 me: yeah, definitely.
  i think i might make this week's goal
 Michael: pretty demoralizing when you are positive your work makes no impact on anything and doing it very well or very poorly makes no difference
  sweet dude
  well i have that gps on the site
  and its a piece of shit
 me: oh yeah?
3:44 PM Michael: so, i dont know how that factors in
  but it sucks
 me: well--someone's gonna buy it
 Michael: yeah
  i mean
  i did
 me: i actually need to ask you a question
  can you talk on the phone for a second?
 Michael: sure

Note: I work at an online retailer. So, anytime you hear reference to products, those are items I had listed on the website. Most of it is junk.